Notary Desktop Lever Press (Iron)

£275.00 excluding VAT

A medium/heavy duty desktop seal for embossing larger diameter seals.

It is a very strong lightweight (1.5kg) and durable product that sits easily on the desk or bench. It was specifically designed for authenticating photographs, prints, water colours and legal documents. The Notary HD can also emboss seal impressions up to 45mm diameter or 67mm x 35mm. The price below includes the Notary HD press and the engraved metal embossing dies. Price excludes very complex seals such as coats of arms. Coats of Arms are POA only.

Send Enquiry.

Should you need to emboss a seal larger than 45mm diameter or 67mm x 35mm, please look at our Iron Notary press


The Support

Bolsons provide a comprehensive repair service. As the machines are used on a daily basis, ongoing wear and tear and maintenance is unavoidable. Bolsons can handle all aspects of the maintenance, including arranging transport back to the UK factory for repair.

Quality you can’t ignore.

From initial contact to the final product, Bolsons want to find a solution that suits you.

Whether you are looking for a company seal for your business, a specialist stamp for your wedding, show or exhibition or a personalised inking or branding solution, we can provide for you.


Additional information

Weight 1 kg